Read the whereabouts and whatabouts of my daily doodoo...

It was a hella good weekend!


Saturday we celebrated the birthday of Dolly's uncle.
Unlimited Sushi and Japanese food at Masu... whaah!

At night Dolly's fam and friends came together to celebrate my birthday and Dolls uncle's.
We played some cards, ate indonesian food, had some drinks, hit a donkey piñata(!!!) and blew out some candles... whaah!

Went out afterwards clubbing in to the Hellaweenparty in Lunalounge.
Lotsa costumes, good music and tasty long island's.
Tried to paint my face like Jack Skellington from nightmare b4 xmas.
Real costumes too expensive man... whaah!

Sunday we ate lunch at
Koi Palace.
Bought an american football and we played some touchfootball.
Lastig zo'n football gooien... whaah!

That was it for the weekend. Dreading to go to Stanford tomorrow... whaah!

Check my pictures here. Alot... whaah!

Weekend again!


Its the end of week 2 it was a long week!

People in the lab loosening up, good vibes.
We poured alotta sweat but it seems to pay off.
We really makin progress on our article...

Glad that it is weekend though. Halloween!
We carved our pumpkins and I designed my own pattern. U likes ppl?

Busy weekend coming up! Ill put pics up this weekend!

PS check the pics of me finishing the marathon right here.

Weer een jaartje ouder!


24 years, vierentwintig jaar, 288 maanden, ongeveer 8544 dagen ben ik nu al op de planeet aarde.
Sja, ouwe lul alweer he?

If you wonder.. what did I do for my birthday?
I woke up at 5.45AM to catch the train to Stanford, then attended the child psychiatry residency training from 8am till 2pm, worked in the lab till 6PM.
No birthdayfeeling at all till this point. BoeefokkingHoooo!

Then Doll took me out for dinner at House of Prime Rib.
Finally I felt like the birthday boy.
Got a ticket to NYC for my birthday from her. De grote apple baby!

Thanks for all your calls, emails n gifts everyone. Mostly appreciated and for those who forgot... Rot in hell! :)

My day off?


This is what they call a day off? Been reading all day

Ate lunch at Sushi Sam's my favorite place, ate so much I passed out on the couch afterwards!

Went to Serramonte mall to look for a Halloween costume.
What should I be people?
Darth Vader, Ninja turtle, a mime player, Tofu-boy or ... ?

People! Post more comments or tag more tagboard stuff so I know you have been here!
Show me some luv! Thats right, more lurve! More L.O.V.E.!!!



Today I hated my alarmclock.

Today I ran statistics.

Today I biked over Stanford campus to go to the different libraries, practically saw the whole campus.

Today I noticed that Stanford is not only university for nerds n rich kids but also for the billions of squirrels that live here.

Today I was the one to turn the light on in the lab and also to turn it off, as I was the first to enter and last to leave.

So much for today...

Tomorrow I have a day off again! whoohah!

Second weekend in SanFran!


Went to Social Club on friday. Had a few drinks, danced a bit and bullshi-tted even more.

Ate some buffalowings as my midnight snack at Bagdad Cafe.
Slept at 5am.
Tering zo laat!

Woke up late on saturday and went to get breakfast at In-N-Out.
Best burgers in town, I swear! Only in California though...
Tering zo lekker!

Drove downtown to pickup our race package for the half marathon.
Went to Union Square, Niketown and along with us 15.000 other people who also picked up their package...
Tering zo druk!

Wanted to go home but then Dolly forgot to turn of the headlights of the car, so the battery ran out. Waited for a freakin hour before some random person had jumpercables n helped us.
Tering zo gaar!

Slept early n woke up at 5.30AM Sunday to go to the race.
Tering zo vroeg!

Race started at 7am, I ran first 5 miles in a group and then ran off by myself.
A great run, the best scenic view ever, steep hills and my legs were in good shape.
Ran around the bay of San Francisco, so cool! Nike Womans Marathon
13.2miles = 21.097494 km = 13.2 miles in 1:55:11
Feel like I coulda done better
but them hills killed my legs.
Tering zo ver!

Ate after-race lunch at Mel's Diner, a big fat burger again.
Tering zo greasy!

Chilled all day n ate chinese for dinner.
Tering zo moe!

Honderd en twee fotos gemaakt.
Tering zo veel!

It was a tering good weekend!



Got my Stanford badge! Sign of status! BOEM!

Have been behind my desk/computer all day running stats!
I hate SPSS and statistics...

Ate Vietnamese noodles for lunch in the Clark building.

Whoohah! Weekend!

Waiting to get picked up by car and get some dinner.

Going to Social Club tonight...
Is this a good idea with the half marathon coming up on sunday?
It closes at 2am anyways... so early!

3rd day at the job


Went to San Mateo Juvenile Hall for a presentation on the study that we are going to do there.

Went to a lecture from prof. Sackeim, who is THE promoter of Electro Convulsion Therapy. He has kept ECT alive since the days of One Flew over a Cuckoo's Nest...
Very interesting stuff...

Worked on statistics for our paper...
Borin but good results...

Brought my running gear to Stanford and explored campus while running...
I have never seen anything like this. Huge, fancy, chique... and snobby of course!

Ate nasi hainan.. sjeweettok!

2nd day at the job


I woke up at 715am to get to the lab at 945AM. Teringvroeg!

Stood in front of a closed lab door and didnt have keys and had to wait till 10.30 till the first person came in. Teringlelijk!

Met Prof. Steiner, the big boss... he is this supernice, relaxed and friendly Austrian guy who reminds me of Arnold Schwarzenegger when he talks.

Got introduced to all of the residents and fellow researchers there and had lunch with all of them.

Getting my own Stanford Badge!

Saw the very ultra chique Stanford Hospital and Medical School... Jeeeez, zo anders dan in Nederland!

Went to Santa Clara to play cards with Doll, Manda, Mar n Mel and their friends. I won 20 bucks... Whoohah!


It was a good day...

PS pictures up from yesterday

First day off


Ran 5 miles in 45 min, im ready for the big ass half marathon on Sunday.

Ate a big ass lunchbox at Japantown aka J-town aka Nihongo-town

Bought a big ass pumpkin for Halloween

Picked up a big ass book with Arnold Schwarzenegger in it for my CaliforniaDrivingLicense

Went big ass rockclimbing

What a day off... Did big ass things

First day at the job


Went to the Steiner Lab in the Psychiatry and the Law building of Stanford University.
Yes he german...

Met my 30-year old Austrian mentor Belinda who looks like a cool hippie, lives in Haight and is going to become a professor by next year.

She smart...

Goin to write an article about suicide among juvenile delinquents which Belinda refers to as an "en vogue" topic.

Worked my ass off already on the first day.

Got off at the wrong trainstation, ended up downtown and took 2 hours to get back in South SF.

Went to the movies to see Serenity but ended up watching A History of Violence.
Aragorn turned into Rambo?

First day of the job, first day of the week, first day of a good time?

First weekend SanFran!


Gister naar een bruiloft geweest in Napa - Home of the Californian wine.

Lekker borrelen van 's middags tot 's avonds

Lekkere hangen in mn suit

Lekker eten

Lekker freeloaden

Lekkere omgeving

Lekker socializen met suffe amerikanen

Lekker begin van alles

Lekker... zo'n bruiloft

I am outta here!


11 uur en 20 minuten vliegen
9 uur tijdsverschil (9uur eerder that is)
3 months - 90 dagen – 2160 uur - 11 januari till im going home.

Email me for ur titipan, stupid questions, plain chittychat and more bullshit!

For my phonenumber email me and i will send it to u!
Use Eurocity phonecards, 1000 minutes for 10 euro or for 1cpm

This blog was updated while EvetsEht was flying above the Atlantic Ocean and bored out of his arse…

My Goodbye committee

Thanks people for coming out to Schiphol!

Ik weet dat jullie me gaan missen maar ik ben terug voordat jullie t weten… haha!

PS Lien ik heb verloren, het waren er 8...

Nog een Surpriseparty?!?!?!


Gister werd ik wederom door een surpriseparty verrast!

Na een etentje bij Hilal werd ik door de straten van Amsterdam afgevoerd met een blinddoek om mn hoofd.

1st Destination:
een bingohal(!!!) aka Party Zonnestudio JR, denk aan bingospelende oudjes in een blauwstaand rookhol. Someone shoot me, als je mij daar op mijn ouwe dag elke dag vind.

2nd destination:
karaokebar the Wave aka lauwe asian karaokebar met nog lauwere chinese liedjes...

3rd destination:
Die was er nie... dus zijn we maar naar de Duivel gegaan. Sjawel!

Thanks 2 Young Waleezy, Bling Kong, Lex and Sabbie...
See ya'll in Vegas!!! Vegas BABY!

Mijn feestje!


Yesterday my sister organised me my very very very first surprise party!
Woehoe! As I entered the house I stood still like I was struck by lightning...
Only three words could say were: "tering... sick... vet... " and that repeated 30 times.
Thanks to everyone for coming out to my surpriseparty!
Special thanks to my sis Jessy for organizing the whole thing!
Check the left for them pics!

Masakan dari ibu keke^^


Lumpia basah* voor 6-7 mensen.

Ingredienten :

2 tenen knoflook
1 ons varkensgehakt
1 ons fijngesneden garnalen
2 ons tauge
1 blik fijngesneden bamboescheuten
1 tahoe
1 bos sla-uitjes
2 theelepes gebakken uitjes
zout en peper naar smaak
1 eetlepel sesamolie
1 pak loempia-vellen
1 ijsbergsla
1 mosterd
1 pot sambal kacang

Snijdt de tahoe fijn in blokjes en frituur ze in hete olie. Schep tahoe uit de pan en laat de olie goed uitlekken. Knoflook snijden, bakken in beetje olie en daarna het varkensgehakt in de pan gooien. Bamboescheuten wassen en snijden en toevoegen aan geheel. Voeg sesamolie toe en verder suiker, zout en peper naar smaak. Garnalen snijden en toevoegen. Bosuitjes in de pan doen. Wanneer de pan warm en alles doorbakken is als laatste de tauge toevoegen.


Neem theedoek, maak die nat en leg hem op een dienblad. Leg de loempiavellen tussen de theedoek. Ready to roll!

Roll that:
Hoe rollen we de lumpia? Check het stappenplan! Jeweettoch...

Tip1: als je ze hierna in de frituur gooit dan heb je een "echte" lumpia.
Tip2: leg er een blaadje ijsbergsla tussen.

^^ Masakan dari ibu keke: Eten van moeder anneke, mijn mammie dus...
* Lumpia basah betekent eigenlijk natte loempia, eigenlijk is de enige missende stap voor een loempia het frituren van de loempia. Eventueel ook te gebruiken als scheldwoord... Jij natte loempia!

Pretty funny...


Watching that smart mut and his poo poo head boss trying catch the Were-rabbit was pretty funny!
Who framed Were-rabbit?

Oh yeah... check that Pathé Unlimitedpass

My favorite island hit again...




Bali, Indonesia, 1 oktober 2005..
25 people killed...
107 wounded...

Kuta once...
Jimbaran twice...
2002 was not enough?

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